Electric Vehicle Chargers in the US: Repair and Expansion Efforts Underway

It is evident that electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of transportation. Governments worldwide are actively promoting the use of EVs, resulting in a surge in popularity for electric cars and motorcycles. However, the transition to electric has not been without challenges. In the US, thousands of EV chargers are currently out of service, awaiting repairs.

A recent article by The Verge highlights this issue, revealing that over 6,000 EV chargers are currently non-operational. This data, obtained from the US government's database, represents approximately four percent of the total number of available EV charging stations. This situation can be incredibly frustrating for EV riders and drivers. Imagine relying on your GPS to guide you to a charger with only a few miles of range left, only to discover that the charger is out of service.

Fortunately, the government has taken notice and is taking action to address the problem. The US Department of Transportation has authorized $100 million to repair and replace non-operational EV charging infrastructure. This funding comes from the government's previous $7.4 billion investment in EV charging technology, which was approved under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In addition to repairing existing charging stations, the government is also working on installing thousands of new EV charging stations along major US highways. This ambitious project is estimated to cost around $1 billion.

The Verge emphasizes that broken EV chargers present a significant barrier to widespread EV adoption. Charging an electric vehicle takes longer than refueling a gas tank, even with advanced technology. The prospect of encountering a faulty or non-operational charger only exacerbates this issue, as users may have to wait longer or search for an alternative charging station. According to JD Power, satisfaction with EV charging infrastructure has been declining year after year and is currently at its lowest level ever.

According to the Department of Energy's database, there are currently 151,506 public charging ports available in the US. Out of this total, 6,261 are non-operational due to maintenance, damage, or power issues. The newly allocated $100 million funding is expected to cover the costs of replacement and repairs. The DOT plans to distribute the funds through a streamlined application process, encompassing both publicly and privately owned chargers that are accessible to the public without restrictions.